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Speed of Life Collector Edition

David Bowie, Masayoshi Sukita

Genesis is proud to announce SPEED OF LIFE, the new publication born out of a 40-year collaboration between musician, actor and producer, David Bowie, and photographer and designer, Masayoshi Sukita.

In their fine bound edition, the authors have opened up Sukita's archives to assemble a 300-page photo essay which, captioned with their own recollections and memories, traces the development of Bowie's remarkable career from 1972 to the present day.

Heroes, 1977, featured in Bowie and Sukita's 'Speed of Life'

David Bowie: 'It's very hard for me to accept that Sukita-san has been snapping away at me since 1972 but that really is the case... May he click into eternity.'

The story of your book

Since 1974 Genesis has created signed limited edition books on behalf of authors and artists ranging from the Beatles to Buckingham Palace.


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