Hand bookbinding at Boston Public Library
03 Nov 2009
This summer, Alain Taral of France won first prize in the Designer Bookbinders International Bookbinding Competition, with a book binding made of pear wood decorated with precious wood veneers – including palm tree, yew, bubinga, lati, planetree, amboina, elm burrs, thuya and faiera.
The prize is awarded annually in Oxford, England, in honour of Sir Paul Getty KBE (1932-2003), a great book collector and a passionate advocate for the art and craft of bookbinding. Sterling silver bone folders were also awarded for the 25 best bindings designed to reflect the theme of 'Water'.

Now an exhibition of the winning book bindings is showing until 13 December at the Boston Public Library, where an estimated 50,000 visitors will pass by. For most people it will be their first introduction to hand book binding. In 2010 the exhibit will move to San Francisco and New York.
To see an online slideshow of the prizewinning bindings, all of which are ornate 'one of one' creations, click