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Shout out for Shakespeare & Company

06 Nov 2020

Like many independent bookshops, the famous Parisien English-language store, Shakespeare & Company, have seen a huge slump in sales this year, down almost 80% since March. This little gem of a bookseller, which will celebrate its 70th birthday next year, is particularly special to Genesis because we held a signing there with Jimmy Page for his book Jimmy Page by Jimmy Page back in 2014.

If you were planning to buy one of our recent open editions, Jimmy Page: The Anthology or Whatever It Takes by Tom Morello, can we suggest that you buy your copy from Shakespeare & Company? What's more, they stamp every book with their famous logo to make it a wonderful keepsake or present.

To buy either book, simply click the links: or and then select Shakespeare and Company to go to their website.
Jimmy Page: The Anthology Portfolio Fine Art Print Series

Jimmy Page: The Anthology Portfolio

Jimmy Page


Whatever It Takes

Whatever It Takes

Tom Morello


The story of your book

Since 1974 Genesis has created signed limited edition books on behalf of authors and artists ranging from the Beatles to Buckingham Palace.


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