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George Harrison's Foundation Starts Social Media Campaign, The Inner Light Challenge

01 Apr 2020

The Material World Foundation, created by George Harrison, has launched the Inner Light Challenge to raise funds for charities providing aid in the COVID-19 pandemic. The challenge takes inspiration from George Harrison's song 'The Inner Light' and asks people around the world to share their own 'inner light' moment. In I, Me, Mine, George Harrison reveals the song's origins.

'Juan Mascaró sent me a copy of a book called Lamps of Fire and in his letter he says '... might it not be interesting to put into your music a few words of Tao'. And that's where the words to 'The Inner Light' came from; it's a translation from the 'Tao Te Ching'. The song was written especially for Juan Mascaró because he sent me the book and is a sweet old man. It was nice, the words said everything.' - George Harrison

Olivia Harrison has said: 'These lyrics sung by George are a positive reminder to all of us who are isolating, in quarantine or respecting the request to shelter in place. Let's get and stay connected at this difficult time. There are things we can do to help and we invite you to share your Inner Light.'

Material World Foundation will donate $1 (up to $100,000) for every instance of someone sharing their own inner light moment on social media using the hashtag #innerlight2020. The Foundation has already donated $500,000 to the MusiCares COVID-19 Relief Fund, Save the Children and Medecins Sans Frontieres (Doctors Without Borders).

George Harrison's son, Dhani Harrison, has shared a video of himself taking part, singing the song in its entirety. Jeff Lynne, Nikolai Fraiture, Mike Campbell, Rita Wilson and even Tom Petty's granddaughter are amongst those who have already taken part in a variety of ways.

'Sing it, play it, hum it, strum it, paint it, knit it, chant it, plant it, pray or meditate and post it to social media.'

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I Me Mine (Publisher's Copies) The Extended Edition

I Me Mine (Publisher's Copies)

George Harrison


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