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Exclusive Video of Jimmy Page and his New Limited Edition Book: The Anthology

16 Mar 2020

As the first Collector copies of the signed limited edition, Jimmy Page: The Anthology are dispatched from the bindery, we are delighted to share an exclusive video. Created in February when Jimmy Page visited the factory with publishers Nicholas and Catherine Roylance, it shows Jimmy inspecting the first copies off the presses and taking in all the details of this beautiful edition.

'The reproduction is superb... and it's exactly the way I hoped it would look.' - Jimmy Page

For those that have already ordered, the wait is not long now, we expect the Collector Edition to be fully dispatched by the end of March and the Deluxe edition by the end of April.

For those who have not ordered a copy, there are still a few signed, limited edition Collector copies left. To avoid disappointment click here now to buy your copy.
Jimmy Page: The Anthology

Jimmy Page: The Anthology

Jimmy Page


The story of your book

Since 1974 Genesis has created signed limited edition books on behalf of authors and artists ranging from the Beatles to Buckingham Palace.


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